How to live smartly

Here some few tips about how to live smartly :

1. know that living smartly is a choice not a talent or a cognitive ability, you can ask any question you want and have the best information available in the internet. You can do whatever you want to do in the smartest way.

2. learn about the difference between growth mindset and fixed mindset. This approach emphasises that what is needed to achieve growth and success is not intelligence, but perseverance and learning from mistakes.

3. use the Pomodoro technique to overcome procrastination: instead of procrastinating what you want to do, just jump on it for 25 minutes.

4. use the 5 seconds rule, so that you can shift from idea to action. Don't take 5 years to do something that would take 5 seconds.

5. build a skill, master something, use the Richard Feynman technique to learn the subject matter you are interested in.

6. practice and improve your memory, you can start with memorizing names of people you come to know.

7. plan for your move from being an employee to being an entrepreneur

8. workout and do physical exercise

9. believe on yourself and your own ways and don't compare with others.

10. practice some aglity concepts in order to enhance your "Time To the World" - in analogy with the TTM "Time to the Market" -, so that you can deliver, produce and create more.

11. learn about complexity and open your mind, seek to understand others and know that understanding comes also with time, empathy and patience.


  1. Salam,
    Interesting article and question Younes, How to live smartly?
    I think that adding to the points you set in this article we need first to set our goals or dreams that helps a lot to set a plan of action.
    and as you said being flexible and patiente and adaptable to all kind of situation may help us to discover those goals and realize it.
    But I have a little question how the one may overcome failures and disappointments smartly?

  2. Hi Loubna,

    Well first of all, thanks for reading and commenting my article :-)

    I totally agree with you that setting goals is very efficient way to get things done and for self growth while it gives us a concrete idea, picture or taste of whatever that we want to achieve, and therefore we can derive motivation and perseverance.

    Very interesting question regarding which attitude should maintain when we fail or we are disappointed, i read lately a book that helps set a perfect mindset to deal with and embrace such situations : "Mindset - from Carol Dweck", if you want ti have an "avant-gout" about that then see the video here :

    Ted talk :

    Thanks again for your question :-) !!

  3. Hi Younes,

    Thank you so much for your answer. I would like to congrats you of you writing skills; I have been reading some of your other articles it is really interesting and mind challenging :)

    I will definitely start reading the book you recommended.

    I wish you good luck and please keep publishing and sharing your "pensées uniques et diverses" :-)


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